
8 Simple Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

Not only respect, we also have to show affection to our parents. One of the ways to show our affection is by giving them special gifts. You don't need to force ourselves by giving luxurious and expensive gifts. Simple gifts or presents can be meaningful, too. As long as you give the presents with sincerity. But you might need to give different gifts for your parents. Some gifts are suitable for fathers and some are more suitable for mothers. And here are ideas to be considered when you want to give a present for your mother :

Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

1. Hugs and wishes

On your mother's birthday, warm hugs and wishes can be simple gifts but yet so meaningful. Do not underestimate the power of warm hugs and wishes.

Hugs and Wishes - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

2. Cook a special dish

Your mother must have her favorit dish. Why don't you cook her a special dish, your mother favorit dish on her birthday. That's simple birthday gift ideas for mom.

Cook a special dish - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

3. Set up a reunion with her old friends

Sometimes mothers have no time to meet up with her old friends. You can contact and set a reunion for them. It must suprise her and make her feel happy and excited at the same time.

Set up a reunion with her old friends - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

4. Set up a rendezvous with your father

The moment and place where your parents met might leave deep impression to your mother. Why don't you set up a rendezvous between your parents in the place where they first met as a romantic gift.

Set up a rendezvous with your father - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

5. Ask her to eat out

Occasionally, ask your mother to eat out for example in a restaurant by the sea, on the top of the building or on a hill which has scenic view. 

Ask mom to eat out - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

6. A good massage

Think about the time you were little kid and your mother had to chase you here and there. Could be exhausting for her, right? So why don't you give her a good massage as a gift so she can feel relax and comfortable. Mothers always need a good massage by the end of the day.

A good massage for mom - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

7. Family picture

Give her a big size family portrait consist of grandparents, children, grandchildren, or even great grandchildren. This simple gift will leave deep impression on your mother's birthday.

Family picture - Birthday Gift Ideas for Mom

8. A video about your mother

A video dedicated for your mother can be a birthday wish or her life journey.

Those ideas can be considered as gifts for your beloved mother. Have you got any other ideas?

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